(1A) Arts Appreciation
Gleenice Joy Mission

(1A) Arts Appreciation

   As mandated in R.A 1425, the life works and writings of Dr. Jose P. Rizal as the Philippine National Hero must be included in the curricula in public-private schools, colleges and universities as a separate course or study.

     The course includes the early times of Rizal, his birth, his family, early studies, his triumphs as an Atenean and his frustrations at the University of Santo Tomas to his propaganda movement through letters and novels that waken up the minds, heart and soul of the Filipinos and other national heroes to push through and fought for liberation and independence. It also includes his travel to the different parts of Europe, Asia, America, and the  women of his life to his exile and execution in Bagumbayan. It also includes his nationalism, religious and educational views.

       The study gives us a clear understanding of how a hero was born, the factors and circumstances during his times that made Rizal as the Philippine National Hero up to the present.   

(1A) Movement Enhancement
Laarni Velez

(1A) Movement Enhancement

  Movement Enhancement will concentrate on the human body movement including the importance of physical fitness. Knowing your body movement to provide training in different movement patterns and core engagement in conjunction with principles if healthy eating and physically active. It consists of topics and activities that will provide insights into basic skills, knowledge and understanding of body movements, skills and fitness test and related activity.